Advent Ages Operation: Valley Rain


Operation: Global Surge


Operation: Global Rain 360
10 Days of Prayer
January 2 - 11, 2008



Operation: Valley Rain
Weekly Theme Sheets
(source: Operation: Global Rain)


Operation: Global Rain 360
10 Days of Prayer for the Northridge, CA Seventh-day Adventist Church
(Theme Sheets Selected from the Weekly Theme Sheets)
(January 2 - 11, 2008)


Wed - Jan 2 The Cross: The Glory and the Power
Thu - Jan 3 Not by Might, Nor by Power
Fri - Jan 4 Ready Before the Crisis
Sat - Jan 5 A Shaking
Sun - Jan 6 Jets of Light
Mon - Jan 7 The Church in Concert
Tue - Jan 8 Set the Captives Free
Wed - Jan 9 Our Nothingness
Thu - Jan 10 Revolution
Fri - Jan 11 The Reality of Seeing God
